EM Accreditation Site Visit

RUH Boardroom - Room 6607, 6th Floor RUH(55) Bldg

8:15-8:45am: Surveyor Preparation and Planning 8:45-9:45am: Program Director and Regina Site Director 9:45-10:00am: Program Administrators 10:00-10:15am: BREAK 10:15-10:30am: Department Head 10:30-11:30am: Residents 11:30-12:00pm: LUNCH 12:00-12:45pm: Faculty/Teaching Staff (PD, APDs, and DH do not attend this meeting) 12:45-1:15pm: Competence Committee 1:15-2:00pm: Residency Program Committee (PD, SD, PAs, and DH attend only the last 15 minutes) 2:00-2:15pm: […]

EM Accreditation Site Visit

RUH Boardroom - Room 6607, 6th Floor RUH(55) Bldg

8:15-8:45am: Surveyor Preparation and Planning 8:45-9:45am: Program Director and Regina Site Director 9:45-10:00am: Program Administrators 10:00-10:15am: BREAK 10:15-10:30am: Department Head 10:30-11:30am: Residents 11:30-12:00pm: LUNCH 12:00-12:45pm: Faculty/Teaching Staff (PD, APDs, and DH do not attend this meeting) 12:45-1:15pm: Competence Committee 1:15-2:00pm: Residency Program Committee (PD, SD, PAs, and DH attend only the last 15 minutes) 2:00-2:15pm: […]